To create a clone script for Coinbase, you will need to consider the following components:

Marketplace Features: Include features such as buying, selling, bidding, and listing digital assets.

Wallet Integration: Integrate wallet functionality to enable users to securely store and manage their digital assets.

Smart Contracts: Develop smart contracts to facilitate the trading of digital assets securely on the blockchain.

User Authentication: Implement a secure authentication system to ensure user privacy and security.

Search and Filter Options: Provide users with the ability to search for specific digital assets and filter search results.

Payment Gateway Integration: Integrate payment gateways to facilitate transactions between buyers and sellers.

Responsive Design: Ensure that the platform is accessible and user-friendly on various devices.

Admin Panel: Develop an admin panel to manage listings, users, transactions, and other aspects of the platform.

Keep in mind that developing a Coinbase clone script for a platform requires a deep understanding of blockchain technology, smart contracts, and decentralized marketplaces. It is recommended to work with experienced developers or companies specializing in blockchain development to ensure the success of your project.